
  • WordPress installed online or on a local web server.
  • WooCommerce installed and activated (at least 8.4.0).
  • At least one product created with a fixed regular price.

Set up

Install and activate the plugin through the WordPress plugins menu.

How to use

  • Choose or create a product, set the price.
  • Select “calculated custom fields” in the product data panel.
  • Select an option type and fill the settings.
  • Click on 'Activate option [x]'.
  • Go on the product page, refresh cache.

Custom fields

For each field, you can choose from these 14 option types :

  • Free version : maximum 2 cumulated fields.
  • Pro version : unlimited.

JQuery UI elements

  1. Dropdown (from 2 up to 6 suboptions)
  2. Checkboxes (From 1 up to 4 suboptions)
  3. Buttons (From 3 up to 6 suboptions)
  4. Radio buttons (From 2 up to 4 suboptions)

Regular elements

  1. Images Swap (From 2 up to 4 custom images)
  2. Formula calculation (From 1 up 2 user inputs)
  3. Upload (Ajax with 100 mimes types)
  4. Color
  5. Text
  6. Textarea
  7. Phone
  8. Url
  9. Email
  10. Number

Field settings

For each field, these are common settings. Each option type has then its own additional settings.

Demo data

  • Free version : you can import 14 demo fields.
  • Pro version : you can import 14 demo fields and 7 demo products.


Inputs were left as raw as possible according WordPress rules on this subject.

  • jQuery UI and other CSS files are located in the “…/public/css/” folder.
  • Public HTML files are located in the “…/public/partials/display_options/” folder.


Free version of the plugin is free software under License GPL v2 or later.