CCF Settings
All settings list
For each admin option field, these are the common settings :
- Option label: name of the option.
- Option type: choose between 14 types of options.
- Option description: appear under the option name.
- Option help-tip: short text revealed by hovering the option name.
- Option required: whether or not the option is required.
- Hide option output: whether the option cost appears or not.
- Option cost: setting the option cost.
Each option has then its own additional settings :
1. Text
- Option placeholder: dimmed text in input before interaction.
- Text min length: minimum number of letters.
- Text max length: maximum number of letters.
2. Number
- Number min value: minimum number.
- Number max value: maximum number.
- Number step value: number interval value.
3. Email
- Email max length: maximum number of characters.
4. URL
- URL min length: minimum number of characters.
- URL max length: maximum number of characters.
- URL pattern: http, https, or both.
5. Phone
- Phone min length: minimum number of characters.
- Phone max length: maximum number of characters.
- Dialling code: default dialing code display.
6. Textarea
- Textarea max length: maximum number of characters.
7. Radio buttons
- Option label 1: name of the first radio button.
- Option cost 1: cost of this option when clicked.
- Option label 2: name of the second radio button.
- Option cost 2: cost of this option when clicked.
- Add new radio: you can add until 4 radio buttons.
8. Buttons
- Option label 1: name of the first button.
- Option cost 1: cost of this option when clicked.
- Option label 2: name of the second button.
- Option cost 2: cost of this option when clicked.
- Option label 3: name of the third button.
- Option cost 3: cost of this option when clicked.
- Buttons number: you can add until 6 buttons.
9. Checkboxes
- Option label 1: name of the first checkbox.
- Option cost 1: cost of this option when clicked.
- Add new checkbox: you can add until 4 checkboxes.
10. Ajax file upload
- Upload max size: maximum file size (default 5000MB).
- Set files restriction based on the mime type (jpg, pdf, svg, etc.).
- 100 file types are available and by default restricted.
11. Images swap
- Option label 1: name of the first image.
- Option cost 1: cost of this option when clicked.
- Option label 2: name of the second image.
- Option cost 2: cost of this option when clicked.
- Upload image: image that will appear on the product page.
- Add new image : you can add until 4 images.
12. Select dropdown
- Option label 1: name of the first sub option.
- Option cost 1: cost of this option when clicked.
- Option label 2: name of the first sub option.
- Option cost 2: cost of this option when clicked.
- Add new select:you can add until 6 select suboptions.
13. Color
- Color extra-cost
14. Number calculation
Number input fields (1 or 2) displayed on the product page with your custom calculation formula.
- Number min value : minimum number.
- Number max value: maximum number.
- Number step value: number interval value.
- Add new calcul input: add a second number entry field to the product page.
- Calcul formula: the formula of the calculation. If the administrator chooses only one number input field for its calculation: $user_value is required in the formula and refers to the value the user will enter. If the administrator chooses two number input fields: $second_user_value also becomes mandatory in the formula and refers to the second value the user will enter on the product page.